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Some results from previous auctions you are able to study by clicking “AUCTION” on homepage and choose “Succesful items”.

We offer you an opportunity to sell collections and individual items through Finland’s oldest specialty shop in the business Auctionhouse in Finland HOLMASTO arranged auctions.

At your disposal are our 1949 founded family business professional appraiser’s experience, expertise, well-known reliable service and our superior on Internet based well functioning auctionsystems.  Bidders are able to bid with absence bids on lots from the day they are published on internet and are also able to  bid and compete with other bidders in real time regardless of wherever in the world they are located.

Our auction business began in the 1940s. International public numismatic auctions, we have arranged in Finland longest, continuously since 1978. Today we serve with the help of our advanced Internet systems You and 10,000 regisred customers in 40 countries.

International auctions we arrange regularly 6 times / year 3 in spring and 3 in autumn season.

Four of the auctions are traditional LIVE REALTIME AUCTIONS with printed auction catalog  and buyers, brokers and other staff etc in auction rooms where items also exhibited.

Two of the six auctions are ONLY ONLINE REALTIME auctions where there is no auction rooms in use and lots to be sold are presented only on internet (and on wiew in our premises for one week before the auktiondate). For buyers the routines for prebidding and participating  by bidding in realtime are exactly the same as in our LIVE auctions.

Entire collections and better items are received year round during opening hours in our premises in Helsinki City  address: Aleksandersgatan 50 (Domus Litonii beside Stockmann) and also by mail HOLMASTO 00100 Helsinki Finland.  Our valuers advise and guide you for the best approach with regard to your special requests. The objects are identified, evaluated, klassificers and grouped. A written out SALES draft agreement drawn always for approval. In the sales contract each auction lot is numbered and listed with minimum price and  commission. After approval of agreement detailed descriptions are written lots are depicted. Bidding starts as soon as lot is presented on internet several weeks before the actual auctiondate. Goods is not sold for less than the agreed minimum price.

Auction items and descriptions presented to buyers on the Internet, in the auctionpremises during live auctions before the auction, in the auction breaks and in connection with the sale of a lot.

Selected images are also presented in color in the printed auction catalogue (only on our four LIVE REALTIME auctions). Of one and the same object can, if necessary several detailed images be presented on the internet. In most cases lots can be studied in enlarged pictures better in detail on internet than by just looking at it.

The presentation of auction items begins on the Internet several weeks before the actual auction date. The modern automated tendering competition with rival preliminary bids on the Internet offer bidders many specialty services. Preliminary bid are received until the object’s auctionsales starts. Pre-Tender contest where preliminary bids are counted in the tens of thousands! per year has a significant positive impact on sales.

Registered and separately logged in realtime bidders are able to follow the rising price and participate in the bidding and equally compete for the items with the other bidders by just pushing a button. Bidders are able on their own terminal to see if the leading bid is own and if  the final winning bid was own.

Large and valuable special collections can also be sold through only for those collections specially arranged auctions. (Note: Preparations for specialcollections may require up to 6-18 months)

We also carry all kinds of valuation assignments for probate, sales, insurance, etc.

We also buy in cash and receive valuable items for komissions.

WELCOME TO Holmasto Aleksanterinkatu 50 HELSINKI. 

SELL where you get the best results!

(The further development of our tailormade-auction system on the Internet is in progress continuously and actively. Technically, the system works already well. In the future, the emphasis will be more on the development of completely new personalized features with better service for both the sellers and buyers).