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Buying at Holmasto auctions

Buying at auction is easy and safe. This article provides instructions for buying at an auction. We are happy to answer questions about the auction. We organize auctions 4 times a year.

Placing a bid at the Liveauction

Log in / register as an auction customer here.

After logging in and identifying yourself, you can make pre-bids and participate in the online auction on the auction day with other customers participating in the auction.

By signing in as a customer, you get access to your own MyHolmasto pages. You can follow your items in the auction, mark your favorites and get information about the pre-bid level, and when the auction ends, you will have a list of preliminary auction results.

Placing a pre-auction bid before the auction

Pre-bids can be made for three (3) weeks before the actual auction day until 10:30 am.

Your pre-bid is your highest bid. Make an offer you can think of paying. Our automatic offer processor always makes the lowest possible offer up to the amount in question. You can change your maximum bid at any time during the pre-bid phase.

You will receive an e-mail from us and a notice on your MyHolmasto pages if your pre-bid is not winning and has been exceeded.


  1. Log in with your username and password. Log in from the online auction home page .
  2. If the auction hasn’t started yet, you have to wait. The auction opens automatically when the sale is started.
  3. If no offers have been made for the object, the starting price is displayed, which is also the current lowest possible acceptable offer. If the item has pre-bids, the current winning bid and the next bid are displayed. Typically, a lot will be displayed for anything between 5 – 10 seconds before being clubbed if there is no immediate interest in the lot (depending on the value of the lot), so please be prepared to pack bids in advance on lots that you are interested in.
  4. To place a bid at the current asking price, simply click “Place bid”..
  5. If your bid is winning, a green ball and the text “Your bid is winning” will appear under the item’s price. If your bid is not winning, the color of the ball is then red and the text “Your bid is not winning”. In this case, you can press the Place bid-button again if you want.
  6. The lot is sold by the broker when there are no more offers within the specified time
  7. The next lot will be opened for sale.


The payment can be made using Paytrail’s payment options (bank and credit card payments, MobilePay and bank transfer) or by invoice. Within seven (7) days from the end of the auction, the buyer must pay for the items he won, which includes the winning bid, Holmasto’s commission (22%), possible value added tax, other fees and any taxes related to the sale according to the price list valid at the time of making the winning bid.

Delivery options are DHL, Posti and store pickup. The delivery method and pick-up according to the choice must be selected and paid for within seven (7) days of the auction. When your delivery has been processed by us, you will receive a package tracking code in your email.

We highly recommend you to choose DHL.

bid levels IN AUCTIOn

0-50 € = 5 €
50-200 € = 10 €
200-400 € = 20 €
400-1000 € = 50 €
1000-2000 € = 100 €
2000-4000 € = 200 €
4000-10000 € = 500 €
10000-20000 € = 1000 €
20000-50000 € = 2000 €
50000-500000 € = 5000 €