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Shop Jewellery Watches Coins Banknotes Collecting accessories Literature Orders and decorations Militaria Medals Olympic memorabilia Silver items Other items Auction Next auction Buying at auctions Selling at auctions Grades of preservation and abbreviations Terms of Bidding Evaluation Evaluation of jewelry Valuation of watches Valuation of items Estates of the deceased For insurance companies About us Contact The HOLMASTO company The Holmasto story Caritha Holmasto – von Schantz in memoriam 1942-2017 Press & Media Blog We buy gold

Banknotes - other countries

Collecting paper money offers different opportunities: one can go for geographically extensive collection or, alternatively, concentrate in one country or region.

1 Dollar 1967 Centennial

1 dollar, Canada, Elizabeth II

Banknotes Banknotes - other countries
Ukraine. 5 Karbovanetsi 1991

Ukraine, 5 Karbovanetsi

Banknotes Banknotes - other countries
Ukraine. 3 Karbovanetsi 1991

Ukraine, 3 Karbovanetsi

Banknotes Banknotes - other countries
Ukraine. 1 Karbovanets 1991

Ukraine, 1 Karbovanets

Banknotes Banknotes - other countries
Peru. 10000 Intis 1988

Peru, 10000 Intis

Banknotes Banknotes - other countries
Peru. 5000 Intis 1988

Peru, 5000 Intis

Banknotes Banknotes - other countries
Peru. 500 Intis 1987

Peru, 500 Intis

Banknotes Banknotes - other countries
Nicaragua. 20 cordobas 1985

Nicaragua, 20 Cordobas

Banknotes Banknotes - other countries
Nicaragua. 10 Cordobas 1985

Nicaragua, 10 Cordobas

Banknotes Banknotes - other countries
Nicaragua. 1 Centavo ND (1991)

Nicaragua, 1 Centavo

Banknotes Banknotes - other countries
Latvia. 2 Rublii 1991

Latvia, 2 Rublii

Banknotes Banknotes - other countries
Latvia. 1 Rublis 1992

Latvia, 1 Rublis

Banknotes Banknotes - other countries

We buy gold

We buy gold in all forms, from gold jewelry to gold bars and scrap gold. We pay a competitive price according to the daily changing world market price.
Gold trade with confidence since 1949.