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Gold jewellery

Gold jewelry is beautiful and practical to use. White or yellow gold, are suitable for use to delight the wearer daily and is also a luxurious gift for a loved one. At HOLMASTO you will find a wide selection of different gold jewelery, gold rings, gold earrings and pendants at affordable prices. Some are displayed in the online store. All can be seen in our store at Aleksanterinkatu 50 in Helsinki. Welcome to get acquainted with the selection. Our professional staff is happy to answer any questions you may have.

Vintagekoru, Lapponian ja Björn Weckströmin ainutlaatuinen design. Laadukkaita suomalaisia koruja luonnon inspiroimalla veistoksellisella tyylillä.

Earrings, Yellow gold, nappi

Earrings Gold jewellery Jewellery Lapponia Lapponia korvakorut

Earrings, White Gold, Yellow gold, nappi, Like new / Almost like new

Earrings Gold jewellery Jewellery

Earrings, Like new / Almost like new, Yellow gold, nappi

Earrings Gold jewellery Jewellery

Earrings, Yellow gold, nappi

Earrings Gold jewellery Jewellery

Earrings, Like new / Almost like new, White Gold

Earrings Gold jewellery Jewellery
Tutustu Cartierin ylelliseen koru- ja kello-valikoimaan. Laadukkaat käsityöt ja ikoninen muotoilu tekevät jokaisesta kappaleesta ainutlaatuisen.

Earrings, Like new / Almost like new, Yellow gold

Earrings Gold jewellery Jewellery

Like new / Almost like new, Yellow gold

Gold jewellery Jewellery Lapponia Lapponia sormus Rings

Ring, Like new / Almost like new, Yellow gold

Gold jewellery Jewellery Lapponia Lapponia sormus Rings

Yellow gold, Earrings, nappi, Good

Diamond earrings Diamond jewellery Earrings Gold jewellery Jewellery
valkokullasta valmistetut korvakorut, joissa on kaksi ovaalinmuotoista viistehiottua tansaniittia, joiden yhteispaino on 1,70 ct ja laatu erittäin hyvä. Korvakoruissa on myös 88 kpl 8/8 hiontaista timanttia, joiden yhteispaino on 0,88 ct ja laatu W/p.

Earrings, Like new / Almost like new, nappi, White Gold

Colored gemstone earrings Colored gemstone- jewellery Earrings Gold jewellery Jewellery
valkokullasta valmistetut korvakorut, joissa kaksi briljanttihiontaista timanttia. Timanttien yhteispaino on 0,48 ct ja laatu W/si.

Earrings, Like new / Almost like new, White Gold, nappi

Diamond earrings Diamond jewellery Earrings Gold jewellery Jewellery

Ring, Like new / Almost like new, Yellow gold, muut

Colored gemstone rings Colored gemstone- jewellery Gold jewellery Jewellery Rings

We buy gold

We buy gold in all forms, from gold jewelry to gold bars and scrap gold. We pay a competitive price according to the daily changing world market price.
Gold trade with confidence since 1949.