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Pearl Jewellery

Pearl jewelry is a classic choice for all parties and are also a great gift for a loved one. For many, the pearl means purity. Thanks to its neutral color, pearl jewelry is an elegant and timeless choice for many different occasions and with many different outfits. At HOLMASTO you can find pearl jewelery more affordably. Some are on display in the online store. All can be seen in our store at Aleksanterinkatu 50 in Helsinki. Welcome to get acquainted with the selection. Our professional staff is happy to answer any questions you may have.

Rannerengas Roland Mellin v.1875

Bracelet, Like new / Almost like new, Yellow gold

Bracelets Gold jewellery Jewellery Pearl Jewellery
Björn Weckströmin Lapponialle suunnittelema Kivettynyt Järvi- sormus, joka on valmistettu akrylistä ja 925 hopeasta. Sormus on valmistettu Helsingissä vuonna 1975.
LAPPONIA Kelohelmet- kaulakoru

Necklace, Yellow gold, Like new / Almost like new

Gold jewellery Jewellery Lapponia Pearl Jewellery

Yellow gold, Like new / Almost like new, Earrings

Earrings Jewellery Pearl Jewellery
14k keltakullasta valmistetut korvakorut, joissa keskellä makeanvedenhelmi. sekä timantteja. Helmen halkaisija 10mm.

Earrings, Like new / Almost like new, Yellow gold

Diamond earrings Diamond jewellery Jewellery Pearl Jewellery
kultaiset Gemma helmikorvakorut 9,5 mm makeanveden viljellyillä helmillä. ovh. 525€
GEMMA Helmikorvakorut

Earrings, Like new / Almost like new, Yellow gold

Earrings Jewellery Pearl Jewellery
keltakullasta valmistetut korvakorut, joissa makeanvedenhelmet. Helmen halkaisija n. 5mm.

Earrings, Like new / Almost like new, Yellow gold

Earrings Jewellery Pearl Jewellery

Earrings, Yellow gold, Like new / Almost like new

Earrings Jewellery Pearl Jewellery

Brooches, Yellow gold, Like new / Almost like new

Brooches Gold jewellery Jewellery Pearl Jewellery
keltakullasta valmistettu rintaneula, jonka on valmistanut kultaseppä Roland Mellin Helsingissä 1833-1879 (korussa vuosileima vain osittain näkyvissä).

Brooches, Good, Yellow gold

Brooches Gold jewellery Jewellery Pearl Jewellery
TILLANDER helminauha

Necklace, White Gold, Ateljer Torbjörn Tillander

Jewellery Pearl Jewellery
Valkokullasta valmistetut korvakorut joissa helmet ja timantit. Korvakorut on valmistanut Oy Tillander Ab Helsingissä.
TILLANDER Timantti- helmikorvakorut 0,44ct

Earrings, Like new / Almost like new, White Gold, Oy Tillander Ab

Diamond earrings Diamond jewellery Earrings Jewellery Pearl Jewellery
Keltakullasta valmistettu vintage kaulakoru Magic Pearl, jonka on suunnitellut korutaiteilija Björn Weckström.
LAPPONIA Magic Pearl kaulakoru

Necklace, Like new / Almost like new, Yellow gold, Björn Weckström, Lapponia Jewelry

Gold jewellery Jewellery Lapponia Pearl Jewellery

We buy gold

We buy gold in all forms, from gold jewelry to gold bars and scrap gold. We pay a competitive price according to the daily changing world market price.
Gold trade with confidence since 1949.